The Use of Machine Learning (ML)/ Deep Learning (DL) approaches for a Comprehensive study of Blood & Bone Cancer base on transmutation change in DNA/Genes in human bodies
Blood and Bone Cancer in Human
Leukemia, Machine learning, Deep learning, DNA, Gene, Benign, Malignant, genetic syndromes, lymphoma , Carcinoma, Sarcoma, Lymphoma, Hepatitis B Virus and C Virus, white blood cells WBCs, red blood cells RBCsAbstract
In this article I have tried to study the Leukemia (Blood Cancer) in humen. The blood cancer is genetically disease that moves from generation after generation. This disease has no mercy on human being. It has no distinction among male, female, older, young or even in child. It shows its gravity in the form of death, if proper treatment did not start on time. It proves very fatal. Leukemia is a disease that starts from the uncontrollable and abnormal growth of the white blood cells WBCs. These white blood cells are the fighting soldiers of the human body called as immune system. When they become abnormal they did perform their function properly then disease virus increase in number and spread in the whole body through the circulatory system or by lymphatic system. If the diagnose of the cancer did not start at time then it prove very risky in the loss of a life.
Machine Learning/Deep learning is techniques that is very useful for the detection of such type of dangerous diseases particularly cancer of all types and the sever heart diseases. It is also work on statistical algorithms that are study from data and simplify to the undetected data and complete the given job without and open guidelines. Similarly Deep learning is also uses many layers to gradually sketch out higher-level features from the fresh input. For example, in image processing, lower layers may detect ends, while higher layers may isolate the ideas related to a human such as numbers or letters or faces. So machine learning and deep learning is best techniques for the detection, identification, classification and determination of stages of leukemia (Blood Cancer). This method is lower cost and high throughput and consider as the good solution for the detection of the leukemia and other dangerous diseases.
I have tried to use this method for the detection of leukemia because my sister is also suffering from this type of ailment. She has aplastic anemia and has passed through the trial of treatment of chemotherapy and also transplation of the bone marrow. So for this I am come forward for the research in leukemia (Blood cancer), bone cancer. First I work on the leukemia and then similar method I will apply on the bone marrow cancer.
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