Pakistan’s Threat Perception from a Traditional Security Perspective


  • Kiran Khurshid Mphil Scholar


Traditional security, Terrorism, Nuclear program, Political Instability, Regional Cooperation, Soviet Assault, Kashmir Dispute, Taliban, CPEC


Pakistan's conventional security challenges have a significant impact on both worldwide and regional security. The conventional security risks to nations outside of Pakistan are summed up in this article. Terrorism is one of the main security risks since Pakistan has been charged with harboring various terrorist organizations in charge of high-profile assaults on nearby nations like India and Afghanistan. The rapid spread of nuclear technology poses a significant hazard as well. Pakistan is suspected of sharing nuclear technology with other nations outside of international law and of possessing nuclear weapons. Additionally, the state of Pakistan's internal security and the ongoing conflict with India over the disputed region of Kashmir are seen as regionally significant conventional security threats. The article's conclusion urges collaboration across nations to solve these security challenges and guarantee the security and safety of people everywhere.



How to Cite

Khurshid, K. (2023). Pakistan’s Threat Perception from a Traditional Security Perspective . Journal of Global Peace and Security Studies (JGPSS), 3(2). Retrieved from