Globalization: The Rise of the Middle Classes from Athens to Beijing


  • Christopher Vasillopulos


Globalization, middle classes, individual, responsibility, fair dealing, populism, imperialism, American civil war, Hellenism, cosmopolitanism, Industrial Revolution.


Although its detractors deny it, Globalization, like free markets more generally,
entails virtues, at a minimum in the Aristotelian sense of functional effectiveness:
fair exchanges, self-discipline, respect for consequences of individual choices,
keeping promises, a necessity for law and order, protection of private property, the
value of individual autonomy, and the reward for risk-taking, according to a
cost/benefit analysis, defined as applied reason, defined as informed choices.
Notice what is absent from this catalogue of prudence: moral virtue, justice,
equality, self-sacrifice, devotion to divine or any other transcendental values. Now
my materialistically tilted understanding of Globalization can be unmasked: it
ignores the ‘higher’ virtues. Or, rather, it leaves them to be assessed and applied
by the non-economic sectors of the social and political arenas.




How to Cite

Vasillopulos, C. . (2020). Globalization: The Rise of the Middle Classes from Athens to Beijing. Journal of Global Peace and Security Studies (JGPSS), 1(2), 1–15. Retrieved from