Indo-Pak Relations in Post-COVID-19 Era


  • Dost Muhammad Barrech


Indo-Pak rivalry, nuclear, interdependence, inter-state, hostility, non-traditional threats, constructivism, poverty, climate change.


Pakistan and India have a history of rivalry ever since their creation. Their
antagonism even remains immune to COVID-19- a pandemic disease causing a
great deal of economic, political, social and cultural damage to the entire world.
On both sides, warmongers in the decision-making process have tried to change
this natural calamity into an opportunity to incite masses towards hostility.
COVID-19 has already haunted both countries economically, politically and
culturally. The post-COVID-19 period would present a new outlook to
international politics bringing economic and political woes. This paper will
comprehensively analyse Indo-Pak relations in the post-COVID-19 period, shading
lights on critics of realism theory being considered one of the most dominant
theories in international politics.




How to Cite

Barrech, D. M. . (2020). Indo-Pak Relations in Post-COVID-19 Era. Journal of Global Peace and Security Studies (JGPSS), 1(2), 85–95. Retrieved from