Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Copyright Notice
Submission declaration
Authors have copyright but license exclusive rights in their article to the publisher. Author's submission implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere including electronically in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the copyright-holder.
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Policy Document of Pakistan Review of Social Sciences (PRSS)
The Pakistan Review of Social Sciences (PRSS) is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics. We strive to maintain the integrity and transparency of our publication process.
Review Policy Pakistan Review of Social Sciences (PRSS) follows the following procedure for peer review:
• All the submissions are initially screened for suitability of publishing in PRSS
• Selected articles are sent to one professionals for reviewing the articles.
• Comments and suggestions by reviewers are sent to author(s) for revising the manuscripts accordingly within specified time period.
• Articles are rejected on the basis of reviewers’ comments, lacking originality, lacking interest of readers, scientific flaws and beyond the scope of PRSS
• Reviewing process may take longer time as it depends on reviewers’ reports. Selection of Reviewers PRSS selects those reviewers who are qualified, experienced, expert and well known in their field.
Originality of Manuscripts
PRSS accepts and considers manuscripts having following characteristics:
• Content of articles should be original material produced by author(s).
• Article should not be submitted for publishing elsewhere or in any other journal.
• The author(s) hereby declare that the material presented in this article is original and has not been copied from any other source. They confirm that all contributions to the research and manuscript have been duly acknowledged, and that the work does not infringe on any copyright or intellectual property rights of others.
• For any type of plagiarism in the manuscripts, the author(s) will be considered the sole responsible.
Guidelines For Authors Article Format
The main structure/style of the manuscript (sub-headings are optional) shall be as follows:
Title (font size 14, Garamond):
Abstract (150-200 words): It discusses a compact view of the research problem, purpose of study, research design and key findings. Keywords (Three - Five): It does not use words or phrases from the title and supplements the title's contents. These are descriptive, representing key concepts and nouns.
Introduction (and background): It describes the purpose, scope, context, significance, background, hypothesis(es), question(s), brief methodology, outcome(s), and outline of the remaining structure/organization of the article.
Literature Review (relevant literature/sources) It gives description, summary, and critical evaluation of sources explored in relation with research problem(s) being investigated.
Conceptual and Theoretical Framework (or Model): The conceptual framework presents/makes the construction of the study clearer, cleaner, and more straightforward; and the theoretical framework within it explains the relationships that are explored within the study.
Research Methodology (methods and materials): It describes the actions taken for investigation of the research problem and the rationale for the application of the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyse the information applied to understanding the problem.
Data and Results (if applicable): It reports the results of the study based upon the methodology(ies) being applied, and in a logical sequence without bias or interpretation, if data is generated from the author’s own research.
Analysis and Discussion (and findings): It interprets and describes the significance of findings in light of what was already known about research problem(s). It explains new understanding or insights being emerged based on studying the problem. It is connected to introduction through research questions or hypothesis(es) and the literature reviewed.
Conclusion (suggestions and future direction): It helps the readers to understand why the research should matter to them. It gives a synthesis of key points and, (if applicable), suggests new areas for future research.
References (list of cited sources): It is compulsory to follow the format of APA.
Acknowledgement (if any) Appendices/Annexures (if any)
Publication decision
Publication decision will always be based on the originality of the research and importance to readers and researchers. The Editor will not be involved in the decision about the paper, in which he/she has a conflict of interest. Editor will be assisted by associate editors or reviewers to reach final decision.
Fair Decision
The Editor will assess submitted manuscript on academic merit solely, regardless of authors’ ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, nationality or political views.
The Editor, the Editorial Board members and Editorial staff are responsible for not disclosing of any information about the submitted manuscript to anyone except authors, referees, editorial board adviser and publisher.
Disclosure and Conflict of interests
Unpublished data from submitted manuscripts must not be used by the Editor, the Editorial Board members or Editorial staff for personal advantage or be transferred to third parties (without written consent of the authors).
The Editor will not publish the materials if the submitted material was found to be plagiarized, fabricated and falsified. Accepted papers are published under Open Access route, authors’ copyrights are reserved.
Complaints during peer review process
The Pakistan Review of Social Sciences (PRSS) welcomes complaints from authors and will try our best to solve complaints and improve the policies for satisfaction of authors. Authors may send complaints to editor (
Complaints may arise due to
1. unhappiness or dissatisfaction regarding the publication and policies of the journal.
2. Long delay in publication or replies related to the author.
3. The complaint may also be about the decision of the editorial board member or editor regarding the manuscripts of the author.
4. May be about the rude responses or a misjudgement of the editorial board member.
We aware about following misconducts could arise during peer review
1. Complaints from the author.
2. Complaints about plagiarism.
3. Duplicate publication or submitting the article to various journal at the same time.
4. Research results misappropriations.
5. Complaints regarding the research errors and fraud.
6. Violations of research standards.
7. Conflicts of interest.
8. Bias behavior of reviewers.
Article removal
An article removal will be issued in extreme cases where the problems are very serious in nature and which may not be addressed by a Retraction or Correction notice. Journal will consider removal of a published article in condition such as:
1. Article may cause serious damage or risk for the readers to be followed or
2. Article violate the rights to privacy of the study participants.
3. Article may damage other legal right or court order
Article subjected to removal from the website will be followed up by the removal notices.