APC List

Article Publishing Charges (APCs)
To maintain the open access policy, Pakistan Review journals have adopted a pricing policy under the Article Publishing Charges (APCs). When an author choose to publish with any Pakistan Review open access journal, he/she has to make an upfront payment of APC that will ensure their article immediately and freely published online. This APC may be paid by the author, the author's institution, or their research funder.

Following is the list of journals with their APCs

Pakistan Review of Social Sciences (PRSS) - USD 150
Graduate Journal of Pakistan Review (GJPR) - FREE
Journal of Global Peace and Security Studies (JGPSS) - USD 150

Note: While it is not Pakistan Review’s policy to vary our APC prices based on the user license chosen by the author, we also publish journals on behalf of universities, think tanks, learned societies or other third parties who reserve the right to determine their own prices and pricing policies. Any deviations in pricing from Pakistan Review’s standard APC price list per journal will be clearly displayed on the journal’s homepage.